Being Persistent | EVS/ESC Review #4
This week was as quick as a lightning! Why? Because almost every day I was visiting events, meeting people, having nice conversations, and many more! The title for this week is Being Persistent because this is my fourth review published regularly on Sunday. Will do my best in order this habit lasts for all my EVS program! Or maybe even more?
#1. Monday: Wola Park
Every two or three days I try to change something in my routine - I eat something unusual, change the transport I usually use for going to work, choose an unusual order of the things from to-do-list, make myself some unexpected little gifts or something like this. This Monday I decided to explore other districts of Warsaw and my choice fell on Wola. Not because there was a park or unbelievably great fountain (anyway I wouldn't enjoy it because it's getting dark at 5 p.m. right the time I finish my work in the office), but because I was looking for a creme

Seriously, the creme changed my routine! I was looking for a particular producer, whose goods in Ukraine are sold in Auchan. So what did I do? I opened Google Maps, found the closest Auchan and had a lovely trip to the place marked a blue point on my map 

Unfortunately, my idea to buy a similar producer's good here went down the drain. I haven't found the thing I needed; however, I found out a huge Wola Park which I will definitely should visit someday (not a rainy one) 

Another thing that surprised me was a big square of the district that was under repairment works or building. Here in Warsaw, you will find many places that are changed, adjusted, renewed, rebuilt, etc.
#2. Tuesday: When rain isn't an obstacle!
Take my Tuesday schedule, add the fact of raining all day long, decorate with the strong wind and you'll get the recipe for my day 

9:45-11:30 - Polish courses
12:00-14:00 - Leaders of Change Foundation
14:45-17:30 - the National Museum in Warsaw
Though I had so many places to visit, I can definitely say that the visiting of the National Museum in Warsaw was the brightest impression of my Tuesday! I feel lack of words to describe how beautiful it is! We have visited several exhibitions: the Gallery of Faras, the Gallery of Old Masters, the Gallery of Medieval Art, the Gallery of Modern Art and many more! It was totally hard for me to leave that wonderful place!
If you come, the Gallery of Faras you'll see a maquette of that hidden city. It was situated in the delta of the Nile and was discovered by a Polish expedition in 1961-1964. More than 150 pictures were found there, all of them were connected to Christianity, and about half of the masterpieces were put to the Muzeum in Warsaw. Also, in this Gallery, you can really travel through time as everything - the atmosphere, music, and lights - makes you feel like this!
Also, you have an opportunity to see A Christian Dirce by Henryk Siemiradzki. It is a final large-scale history painting by this author and it shows a re-enactment of a Greek myth. This work became an inspiration for Henrik Sienkiewicz who wrote the seminal novel Quo Vadis.
If you come, the Gallery of Faras you'll see a maquette of that hidden city. It was situated in the delta of the Nile and was discovered by a Polish expedition in 1961-1964. More than 150 pictures were found there, all of them were connected to Christianity, and about half of the masterpieces were put to the Muzeum in Warsaw. Also, in this Gallery, you can really travel through time as everything - the atmosphere, music, and lights - makes you feel like this!

Also here you can have a look at the clothes of the King and rich people in the Middle Ages. Sure you'll not see the difference if you look at photos, but the size of the clothes is so tiny! All because people in those times were much smaller than we are now. As far as I know, even a modern teenager would not be able to fit into the armour of an adult medieval man!

#3.Wednesday: Improve-yourself-day

On Wednesday I, together with Lane Kirkland Scholarship students, visited NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange).
Rich opportunities for people, who are seeking development in different fields, were discussed. They are as follows: Scholarship Program for Polish Diaspora, The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Program, The Stephan Banach Scholarship Program and others. So everyone who is interested - check the information and boost your career or educational path:!
Also, on Wednesday I visited Polish Your Polish - a wonderful event hosted by ESN University of Warsaw. Here you can meet many guys who came to Warsaw as ERASMUS+ students from different countries. Lovely place to feel the diversity of this world!
However, I realized, that for us Ukrainians, Polish is reeeeally simple to learn. Well, anyway, much simpler than for Italians, Indians, Kazakhs and other nationalities whose languages have nothing in common with Polish. So keep in mind this fact!
#4. Thursday: Kharkiv time at speaking club
On Thursday evening we had one more English speaking club at the Ukrainian House in Warsaw. Ther were only the strongest of us, who managed to survive that weather, but anyway we spent the time with fun! Some people from Kharkiv, who live and work herein Warsaw, visited us and it was so sweet because when you meet somebody from your native city you as if find a little piece of your home here
Rich opportunities for people, who are seeking development in different fields, were discussed. They are as follows: Scholarship Program for Polish Diaspora, The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Program, The Stephan Banach Scholarship Program and others. So everyone who is interested - check the information and boost your career or educational path:!
Also, on Wednesday I visited Polish Your Polish - a wonderful event hosted by ESN University of Warsaw. Here you can meet many guys who came to Warsaw as ERASMUS+ students from different countries. Lovely place to feel the diversity of this world!
However, I realized, that for us Ukrainians, Polish is reeeeally simple to learn. Well, anyway, much simpler than for Italians, Indians, Kazakhs and other nationalities whose languages have nothing in common with Polish. So keep in mind this fact!
#4. Thursday: Kharkiv time at speaking club
On Thursday evening we had one more English speaking club at the Ukrainian House in Warsaw. Ther were only the strongest of us, who managed to survive that weather, but anyway we spent the time with fun! Some people from Kharkiv, who live and work herein Warsaw, visited us and it was so sweet because when you meet somebody from your native city you as if find a little piece of your home here

#5. Friday: This world is getting better because of people!
On Friday, I finished my work week at Leaders of Change Foundation with my lovely supervisor Lena Prusinowska while creating plans and generating ideas of my further EVS.

Probably, we were charged for so long staying at Leaders of Change Foundation by Iana Tsykunkova - a woman who is an English teacher at Lyceum #10 of Marganets (Dnipro region, Ukraine).
When you meet and talk to her you perfectly understand that this very person can move mountains! She has done so many things for her school - she is constantly working on different projects with her students (despite all the obstacles she meets on her way, and there are many of them!), she is working in an international group of teachers, she is an ambassador of ETwinning Europe and ETwinning Plus Ukraine for the Donetsk, Lugansk and Dnirpo regions and many more!
This year, together with her international colleagues, she has become a creator of the project, the third collaborative project of their group, Care About Me - Care About You which was awarded the first price! And now this unbelievable person is a member of #eTconf18 - the place of sharing experience, discussing obstacles and finding solutions!
I am thankful for the opportunity to meet and talk to such powerful people! They make this world better!
When you meet and talk to her you perfectly understand that this very person can move mountains! She has done so many things for her school - she is constantly working on different projects with her students (despite all the obstacles she meets on her way, and there are many of them!), she is working in an international group of teachers, she is an ambassador of ETwinning Europe and ETwinning Plus Ukraine for the Donetsk, Lugansk and Dnirpo regions and many more!
This year, together with her international colleagues, she has become a creator of the project, the third collaborative project of their group, Care About Me - Care About You which was awarded the first price! And now this unbelievable person is a member of #eTconf18 - the place of sharing experience, discussing obstacles and finding solutions!
I am thankful for the opportunity to meet and talk to such powerful people! They make this world better!
#6. Saturday: Busy day with busy Iana 

My gift for this day was a lovely time spent with Iana Tsykunkova! So much energy, great thoughts, uncommon ideas and love are in this person!
Iana is proof that if you want something to happen - it will happen. However, it won't happen just because you think about it, it will become true if you work on it! And none of the obstacles can change your decisions, e.g. lack of time, lack of resources, etc. Where is a will there is a power!
Finally, when you meet a teacher, your life automatically becomes unusual, so we finished our day near Vinnie the Pooh street with two little muffins
Iana is proof that if you want something to happen - it will happen. However, it won't happen just because you think about it, it will become true if you work on it! And none of the obstacles can change your decisions, e.g. lack of time, lack of resources, etc. Where is a will there is a power!
Finally, when you meet a teacher, your life automatically becomes unusual, so we finished our day near Vinnie the Pooh street with two little muffins

#7. Sunday: Rainy inspiration day
And the last day of this week, actually the fourth Sunday of my staying here, was spent at home while cooking, eating chocolate (mmm), looking through the window, listening to music and writing this blog 
I wonder if people from countries, where the sun is always shining, have these moments of just sitting in front of the window and thinking about life... Are they inspired the same as we are?

I wonder if people from countries, where the sun is always shining, have these moments of just sitting in front of the window and thinking about life... Are they inspired the same as we are?
All the best from EVS/ESC-wolontariuszka Ira Konoplianko.