Media - one love ❤ | EVS/ESC review #24
This week I share my sweet memories about our small non-format Foundation meeting, natural cosmetics, SoFresh!, media-campaign fully on my responsibility, those who always help and those who are ready to change this world!
#1. Cosmetics Workshops
Do you know how many poisonous things are in modern cosmetics? Even despite the fact it has a perfect flavour and looks really pretty. Or, probably, you know that sugar could be used not only for tea and cakes☺
This week our Foundation had a lovely non-formal meeting - we spent an amazing evening while making cosmetics under the leadership of one of our colleagues Anna Tobor who is an author and owner of a small cosmetics business - SoFresh! All together we made oil for body, lipstick and scrab - all made of natural ingredients and with just unbelievable flavour☺

However, making cosmetics isn't the main part; though, this part is very exciting! The most important thing is that cosmetics should work - refresh your look, clean your pores, renovate your skin and protect it. The oil and the scrub are just lovely! Hope, in a month the results will be pleasing☺
#2. Malewicz and media campaign

For me, this meeting is especially valuable as it is quite a big media-campaign I am fully responsible for. And what's more - it is being done in Polish and this is another challenge for me. However, with the help of my friends everything is being done very smoothly - thank you Lena Prusinowska for help, Arek Prusinowski for proofreading and Marta Brzezinska-Hubert for checking my mistakes.
And, traditionally, I just have to add here the text which I've already learn by heart☺
Zapraszamy do wspólnego zanurzenia się w świecie kina!
CO: Pełnometrazowy film dokumentalny „Malewicz” (w języku ukraińskim z napisami w języku angielskim)
KIEDY: 29.03.2019 r., godz. 18.00
Wejście jest bezpłatne!
#3. Країна Win Win (Win Win Country)
This week I helped The Ukrainian House in Warsaw with organizing the presentation of the program "Країна Win Win" ("Win Win Country") - a program for the Ukrainian diaspora and Ukrainians who live abroad. The idea of the program was created by Коляда Денис, Yevhenii Pavlovskyi та Andriy Zhuravel and is aimed at gathering Ukrainians, letting them share their experience, create projects and invest in Ukraine. The program has already been applied twice, means two projects have already been organized, so the meeting was not only about plans but about the results as well.
potential, has clever heads who are ready to work for the future and make this world a better place! There will never be many leaders in the world, it's a utopia that everybody is active, creative and super-energetic. However, those few, who are brave enough to lead this world to changes, should be strong, educated and experienced!
All the best from EVS/ESC-wolontariuszka Ira Konoplianko.