Everything at once! | EVS/ESC Review #12
This week appears to be my final working week this year so I had to finish everything before my dear sister and friend Olia come :) Also, this week was filled with Christmas parties and many preparation stuff so that is why it is called 'Everything at once!'
#1. Christmas Tree
This week we decorated a Christmas tree at our dormitory where I live :) There is a beautiful tradition here - students of each year (it is called 'promocja' here) has to put some decorations on the tree from themselves. That is why the Christmas tree is very unusual and colourful :) We even found a pen drive among the decorations! Somebody seemed to be a very original one.
Also with Polish students, we discussed Christmas and traditions during holidays. That is truly a family holiday here! All families gather together and spend this time in a big-big-big family circle. What a Christmas miracle!
#2. Expanding school students' horizons
This week I had a presentation about Ukraine at one of the Polish schools! My audience was 2 groups — 9/10 and 12/13 years old children. We found out many interesting things about Ukraine: its symbols, history, geographical peculiarities, culture. Also, we danced Ukrainian dances and watched a video about Ukraine

So, if you are interested in expanding your student's horizons regarding other cultures and neighbours, I am happy to help you! The presentation could be done in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and English for toddlers, primary school children and teenagers

I feel responsible for promoting Ukraine anywhere outside my country. Despite all the difficulties, I feel proud of my country which has so rich traditions, history, culture, and modern achievements!
#3. Wigilijna Noc

The tables were served according to Catholic traditions - 12 traditional dishes, no meat, and opłatek. Do you know what it is, btw?
Opłatek is an unleavened wafer made out of flour and water on which a religious image is depicted. This traditional dish is firstly shared between all the members of the family when every person gets an equal part. Then in pairs, you take a piece of your partner's opłatek and wish something good for him and vice versa. All this ritual is being done until you wish every person in the room something good and share your opłatek with him. This tradition is linked to the breaking of bread at the Last Supper.
#4. Tania is coming!!!
Finally, my dearest sister Tania is here! This weekend we spent together in Krakow! I am incredibly happy that I have you, my sweetie, in my life and I even don't know what to add more... Just love your family, guys, and remember that these family reunions are really important when you live separately!
#5. All of us

Hope you get even more flights in future (probably some with me
) and wish us a wonderful time here in Poland

All the best from EVS/ESC-wolontariuszka Ira Konoplianko.