STP for professionals | EVS/ESC Review #11

Also, this week I was a helper at Jarmark Bożonarodzeniowy * Різдвяний Ярмарок and took part in Warsaw Group (the active group of NGO Foundation of Regional Initiatives) first meeting! Happy to share my emotions with you

#1. Study Tours to Poland for professionals
Today I met many great people from all over Ukraine who are constantly working on making Ukraine a better place! The participants are current representatives of different city councils, administration institutions, etc. They also have broad experience in decentralization processes and their aim here in Poland was to get even more experience for implementing this knowlddge in further work.
Though all the STP participants are from different cities, towns and villages, their eyes are shining all the same!
#2. Biedrooonkaaa! and Room#501
If you're familiar with some educational projects you understand that all the participants in most cases live together in one hostel, hotel or house. This project wasn't an exception. There was one guy who always wrote to the group chat in the evening "Everyone, come to 501" but, unfortunately, the company was all the same - several men who lived together

So, finally, at one of the nights he wrote a phrase which must be saved as a proverb

"This night you have two options:
1. Go to sleep
2. Come to 501" and that was all 

We were laughing so hard after this and in 2 or 3 days he finally got his visitors

We were laughing so hard after this and in 2 or 3 days he finally got his visitors

#3. Ukrainian fair

#4. FRI Warsaw Group
As a former member of ФРІ Харків, now I am happy to become a little part of an initiative group of Ukrainian organization in Poland. We are eager to create important and useful projects, get soft and hard skills, help people develop themselves and promote Ukraine. Stay tuned!
All the best from EVS/ESC-wolontariuszka Ira Konoplianko.